Russell's ebook Library

Russell's ebook Library

14 Years of Loyal Service in a Fabric-Covered Box
Scott Adams
Anyone who works in a fabric-covered box can relate to Dilbert.Since 1989, Dilbert has been the touchstone of office humor for people all over the world. As long as there are corrupt businesses, inept bosses and downright loathsome co-workers, there ...
Another Day in Cubicle Paradise
Scott Adams
When Dilbert first appeared in newspapers across the country in 1989, office workers looked around suspiciously. Was its creator, Scott Adams, a pen name for someone who worked amongst them? After all, the humor was just too eerily funny and familiar...
The Dilbert Principle
Scott Adams
The Dilbert Principle: The most ineffective workers will be systematically moved to the place where they can do the least damage - management.Scott Adams attacks corporate culture head-on in this lighthearted series of essays. Packed with more than 1...
Teamwork Means You Can't Pick the Side That's Right
Scott Adams
He's the icon of millions of corporate workers, the most popular cubicle dweller on this planet. He spends his days in endless meetings with incompetent supervisors, performing perfunctory tasks mixed with the occasional team-building, brainstorming,...