Russell's ebook Library

Russell's ebook Library

Keith Roberts
An ever-expanding subgenre of science fiction is devoted to "alternate worlds" or "alternate histories": fiction in which a crucial event goes differently than in the world we know, and history is changed.Pavane is set in a backward 20th century mold...
The Penultimate Truth
Philip K. Dick
THE LONGEST LIEWorld War III is raging - or so the millions of people crammed in their underground tanks believe.For fiteen years, subterranean humanity has been fed on daily broadcasts of a never-ending nuclear destruction, sustained by a belief in ...
Planet of Exile
Ursula K Le Guin
Hanish [1]: The Earth colony of Landin has been stranded on Werel for ten years � and ten of Werel's years are over 600 terrestrial years, and the lonely and dwindling human settlement is beginning to feel the strain.Every winter a season that lasts ...
The Prestige
Christopher Priest
Two 19th century stage illusionists, the aristocratic Rupert Angier and the working-class Alfred Borden, engage in a bitter and deadly feud; the effects are still being felt by their respective families a hundred years later.Working in the gaslight-a...