Russell's ebook Library

Russell's ebook Library

Eaters of the Dead
Michael Crichton
In A.D. 922 Ibn Fadlan, the representative of the ruler of Bagdad, City of Peace, crosses the Caspian sea and journeys up the valley of the Volga on a mission to the King of Saqaliba.Before he arrives, he meets with Buliwyf, a powerful Viking chiefta...
Echo Burning
Lee Child
Jack Reacher [5]: Reacher is hitching through the heat of West Texas and getting desperate for a ride. The last thing he's worried about is exactly who picks him up.She's called Carmen. She's a good-looking young woman, she has a beautiful little gir...
Jeffery Deaver
Behind the well-known U.S. security organizations — the FBI and CIA among them — lies a heavily guarded, anonymous government agency dedicated to intelligence surveillance and to a highly specialized brand of citizen protection. Shock waves of alarm ...
The Enemy
Lee Child
Jack Reacher [8]: Jack Reacher. Hero. Loner. Soldier. Soldier’s son. An elite military cop, he was one of the army’s brightest stars. But in every cop’s life there is a turning point. One case. One messy, tangled case that can shatter a career. Turn ...
Envious Casca
Georgette Heyer
Inspector Hemingway [2]: It is no ordinary Christmas at Lexham Manor. Six holiday guests find themselves the suspects of a murder enquiry when the old Scrooge, Nathaniel Herriad, who owns the substantial estate, is found stabbed in the back. whilst t...