Russell's ebook Library

Russell's ebook Library

Glide Path
Arthur C. Clarke
A fascinating departure for the renowned science fiction author, Glide Path is an alternative history of the development of Ground Control Approach radar set during World War II.Clarke draws upon his own wartime experience as a radar control operator...
The Great Roxhythe
Georgette Heyer
Lord Roxhythe is a patriot. He loves his king and his county... in that order with an undying passion. When faced with a mission for his king, King Charles, that many would quaver at accepting Roxhythe accepts without hesitation. While those around h...
Joe Haldeman
During the Alaskan gold rush, a woman pursues a destiny that will change the world in this alternate-history novel from a sci-fi legend.World-altering adventures of a remarkable woman during the gold rush in late nineteenth-century Alaska.   Sent fro...