Russell's ebook Library

Russell's ebook Library

The Year of the Quiet Sun
Wilson Tucker
Brian Chaney, a scholar, has been chosen to travel in time.He leaves his safe home in 1978, going to a world devastated by radiation and almost no one left.
The Years of Rice and Salt
Kim Stanley Robinson
It is the fourteenth century and one of the most apocalyptic events in human history is set to occur – the coming of the Black Death. History teaches us that a third of Europe’s population was destroyed.What if the plague killed 99 percent of the pop...
Yellow Blue Tibia
Adam Roberts
Russia, 1946, the Nazis recently defeated. Stalin gathers half a dozen of the top Soviet science fiction authors in a dacha in the countryside somewhere. Convinced that the defeat of America is only a few years away, and equally convinced that the So...
The Yiddish Policemen's Union
Michael Chabon
What if, as Franklin Roosevelt once proposed, Alaska – and not Israel – had become the homeland for the Jews after World War II? In Michael Chabon's Yiddish-speaking 'Alyeska', Orthodox gangs in side-curls and knee breeches roam the streets of Sitka,...
You Can Be the Stainless Steel Rat
Harry Harrison
The reader plays the part of a new recruit to the Special Corps, his mission: to travel to the planet Skraldespand to locate Prof. Geiteskrank and return with him in protective custody.The book features the usual collection of grotesque Harrison char...
Young Bleys
Gordon R. Dickson
Childe Cycle [9]: By the workings of chance Bleys Ahrens was born the genetic equal of Hal Mayne, the hero of The Final Encyclopedia, but he was destined by nurture to a far different fate. Raised alone by his unhappy Exotic mother, Bleys was an outc...