Russell's ebook Library

Russell's ebook Library

Xeelee: Endurance
Stephen Baxter
Xeelee [6]: Return to the eon-spanning and universe-crossing conflict between humanity and the unknowable alien Xeelee in this selection of uncollected and unpublished stories, newly edited and placed in chronological reading order.From tales chartin...
Xeelee: Redemption
Stephen Baxter
Xeelee [8]: Michael Poole finds himself in a very strange landscape...This is the centre of the Galaxy. And in a history without war with the humans, the Xeelee have had time to built an immense structure here. The Xeelee Belt has a radius ten thousa...
Xeelee: Vengeance
Stephen Baxter
Xeelee [7]: Half a million years in the future, on a dead, war-ravaged world at the centre of the Galaxy, there is a mile-high statue of Michael Poole.Poole, born on Earth in the fourth millennium, was one of mankind's most influential heroes. He was...
Orson Scott Card
Ender Wiggin [3]: The war for survival of the planet Lusitania will be fought in the hearts of a child named Gloriously Bright.On Lusitania, Ender found a world where humans and pequininos and the Hive Queen could all live together; where three very ...