Russell's ebook Library

Russell's ebook Library

Holiday with Violence
Ellis Peters


Holiday with Violence


Rating: Not rated

Tags: Mystery, Lang:en


A quartet of traveling students stumbles into a deadly conspiracy

When the door opens, Signor Galassi flinches, fearing that someone has come to relieve him of the precious cargo he's transporting back from France. But it's only four harmless students on their way to an Italian vacation. Phyllida, Mab, Peter, and Punch have come from England in search of adventure — but they'll find far more than they bargained for.

After crossing into Italy, the young travelers bid Galassi goodbye. But just as Phyllida is stepping off the train, she realizes she left her raincoat behind. Returning to the cabin, she finds Galassi limp on his seat, his skull fractured. Discovering who attacked the old man will draw these four friends into a deadly plot that could mean the end of their vacation, their friendships — even their lives.