Russell's ebook Library

Russell's ebook Library

Spirits That Walk in Shadow
Nina Kiriki Hoffman


Spirits That Walk in Shadow


Series: Book 3 in the Chapel Hollow series

Rating: Not rated

Tags: Fantasy, Lang:en


Kim and Jaimie are freshman roommates, but their college experience is anything but typical.

This is Jaimie’s first time in the "real world," away from her large, complicated family and their magics and traditions.

It’s Kim’s chance to escape her high school reputation. But Jaimie quickly realizes what Kim can’t see — it’s more than just a "reputation." Kim is being pursued by something that feeds on her emotions. And, just like that, reality reshapes itself, as the two girls — along with Jaimie’s three cousins — try to capture and rout the viri, or soul demon, who is tracking Kim.