Russell's ebook Library

Russell's ebook Library

The Collapsium
Wil McCarthy
Queendom of Sol [1]: In a world of awesome technology, the deadly substance called collapsium has given humans all the powers and caprices - including immortality - of the gods they once worshiped.Composed of miniature black holes, collapsium allows ...
Lost in Transmission
Wil McCarthy
Queendom of Sol [3]: Brash and idealistic, they were rebels without a cause in a world governed by science, reason... and immortality.Banished for their troubles to the starship Newhope, they now face a bold future: to settle the worlds of Barnard’s ...
To Crush the Moon
Wil McCarthy
Queendom of Sol [4]: Once the Queendom of Sol was a glowing monument to humankind’s loftiest dreams. Ageless and immortal, its citizens lived in peaceful splendor. But as Sol buckled under the swell of an immorbid population, space itself literally r...
The Wellstone
Wil McCarthy
Queendom of Sol [2]: For the children of immortal parents, growing up can be hard to do. A prince will forever be a prince - leaving no chance for Bascal Edward de Towaji Lutui to inherit his parents’ throne. So what is an angry young blue blood to d...