Russell's ebook Library

Russell's ebook Library

12 - The Gathering Storm
Robert Jordan and Brandon Sanderson
Wheel of Time [12]: Tarmon Gai'don, the Last Battle, looms. And mankind is not ready.Rand al'Thor struggles to unite a fractured network of kingdoms and alliances in preparation for the Last Battle, as his allies watch in terror the shadow that seems...
13 - Towers of Midnight
Robert Jordan and Brandon Sanderson
Wheel of Time [13]: The Last Battle has started. The seals on the Dark One's prison are crumbling. The Pattern itself is unraveling, and the armies of the Shadow have begun to boil out of the Blight.The sun has begun to set upon the Third Age.Perrin ...
14 - A Memory of Light
Robert Jordan and Brandon Sanderson
Wheel of Time [14]: 'And it came to pass in those days, as it had come before and would come again, that the Dark lay heavy on the land and weighed down the hearts of men, and the green things failed, and hope died.' - Charal Drianaan te Calamon, The...