Russell's ebook Library

Russell's ebook Library

1 - The Precipice
Ben Bova
Asteroid Wars [1]: Once, Dan Randolph was one of the richest men on Earth. Now the planet is spiraling into environmental disaster, with floods and earthquakes destroying the lives of millions. Randolph knows the energy and natural resources of space...
2 - The Rock Rats
Ben Bova
Asteroid Wars [2]: Independent "rock rat" prospectors trying to get rich out there face not only the bleak hazards of space but ruthless claim-jumping and piracy from hissable bad guy Martin Humphries. Though exposed for murderous sabotage in book 1,...
3 - The Silent War
Ben Bova
Asteroid Wars [3]: When corporations go to war, standard business practice goes out the window. Astro Corporation is led by indomitable Texan Pancho Lane, Humphries Space Systems by the rich and ruthless Martin Humphries, and their fight is over noth...
4 - The Aftermath
Ben Bova
Asteroid Wars [4]: The Second Asteroid War climaxed with the brutal destruction of Chrysalis: hundreds of men, women and children on the miners' habitat died terrible deaths in the vacuum of the asteroid belt.But one ship escapes destruction. Low on ...